Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chocolate chip cookie delight!

Working so much is starting to get to me... I am not anyone to be messed with at the moment (I've always greatly identified with the Hulk) and I am so very stressed. And exhausted. But things need to get done. Like gardening.
And my goodness me oh my, the progress there!

 First raspberries

 The cucumber patch

 My sunflowers

 The zucchini

 The garlic makes these flowers which we don't let grow so they put more energy into the garlic cloves growing. 

 I froze the strawberries with blueberries. It's super tasty on oatmeal in the winter time. 

I love watching everything grow...but I'm sad to see my summer rushing by and I haven't really had any time to enjoy it. I've usually spent entire days at the garden or the beach etc summery activities and this summer, I have done each a few times for an hour here and there. Sigh.

That is what husbands are for. I must the be THE LUCKIEST girl in the world to have a husband with a sweet tooth on a baking kick. Chocolate chip cookies with milk really makes all the bad things go away.

Thanks Love for the love! 

And thanks for reading! For older garden posts click here, here, here, here, here and here. So apparently I like to blog about gardening. :) I linked them in chronological order from newest to oldest. 


1 comment:

  1. I am just about to publish our own garden update. These look beautiful. And the cookies look yum!


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