We have been doing some late evening gardening.
After work, we've gone down to the garden and picked weeds and watered. It's been ridiculously hot these past few days and the sun has been baking the dirt, so watering is incredibly important doncha knooow. My mom and I believe best results are achieved with pink water cans such as the one below.
The hat was an impulse buy from the gardening store. I thought the blue ribbon would match my boots so nicely. And yes, I kind of on purpose wear blue to the garden to also match my boots. Silly I know, but hey, it's not like I really have a wide variety of colors in my closet anyway. Lol.
The strawberries are blooming. I can't waaaaaaait for them to bear their sweet succulent fruit. Mmmm, starbas (as my nephew used to call them as a wee one).
Here is the, now blooming, bellis perennis that my mom transplanted around the rose bed. You can follow the progress of them and check out the pictures from before (and a lot of the other pictures here today) in my previous garden posts, linked for your convenience here . And the even older garden post here.
Here is the now green soonish-to-be-currants.
The chives that didn't get chopped down are about to bloom.
These little ones are going to be cucumbers later this summer.
That is, if these pheasants don't eat them. I found them huddling in the neighbors chives. Probably waiting for us to leave to they could raid our garden for eats.
I need a zoom lens but until then, cropping and zooming with photoshop will have to do. I feel like it's cheating though! I try to avoid altering my images as much as possible and I do quite well.
My shadow with a hat on amused me so much I had to snap a picture of it. The plant in the picture is anise.
It's growing kind of on the side of our compost.
Here are sweet williams at some phase of their pre-bloom life.
I was drawn in like a moth to flame to a neighbor's irises. Aren't they just gorgeous?! The evening sun was coming through them and lighting them up perfectly. Ah, that color!!!
And what I spent all of Monday weeding, were our potatoes. Here are the ones that weren't pre-grown. So pretty even though they are just apples of the dirt as the French say. Pommes de terre, right?
Today I spent my time weeding the peas. We are going again on Thursday to weed and water. Hopefully we'll also plant some lettuce seeds, as we keep forgetting to! Annoying indeed.
Thursday is also my one day off this week and I've been planning on painting. I have been wanting to for so long, but my laziness gets the best of me so I don't because I really don't feel like bothering with the set up and clean up. Haha, go figure. I just have so much inspiration now to paint that I've got to get it out of my system. :) Thursday can't come fast enough!!
Thanks for reading! Have a nice Wednesday!
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