Monday, June 27, 2011

Midsummer Weekend Pt 2: Gardening

So if you checked out my previous post HERE, we left off at us arriving at the garden by boat. I hopped off with Nana and we walked down the little lane (I guess you could call it that) to our garden. I had to stop along the way and take a few pictures of the gorgeous gardens other folks have.

This first one is by far the nicest. The woman who is behind it all is a retired graphic designer (or something artsy like that) and packs a mean green thumb with some really great ideas. She is an inspiration to us all in the gardening plot area. Props beyond props to her!

Other people had such neat little rows.

And I love this idea of little pots hanging on sticks. I wonder if they accidentally wound up there one day or if it was a preconceived idea. 

There is the diamond in the rough in between all the gorgeousness. Like abandoned plots covered in weeds.

These gardeners made me laugh out loud - literally. I love the attitude. (Look closely at the glove...)

One of our neighbors poppies got to me again. I love love poppies. The color combination in just one flower is mind-boggling. 

These yellow flowers would look pretty in the garden of a farm house one day, wouldn't they. I wonder what they are, growing in a neighbors garden.

And back to our little garden...
The bees were swarming around the raspberries. It was a bit daunting to stand there amongst them, but I for some odd reason have become increasingly obsessed with bee pictures...

And they were busy pollinating the chives.

The currants are coming along nicely. They're such a vibrant green!

The roses are starting to bud, but they've encountered some danger. 
What should we do about these unwanted guests?? I wish I could call 1-800-LADYBUGS to help out, but I guess they can't afford a phone line. 

And whoever did this, needs to pay!

The first strawberry was harvested straight into my mouth, but I managed to get a picture of it before. I call this the life cycle of a strawberry:

1) Flower

2) The flower drops its petals and becomes a star(t).

3) Green berry

4) Ripe deliciousness

Eaten by pheasants/mice/other garden creatures.

Other wonders are these bellis perennis.

Pink and white daisies. 

Green, green lettuce sprouts. 

Ah, and how sweet are these sweet williams. 

The love I have for this garden is indescribable. It's better said with pictures. :)

Thanks for reading, stay tuned for part THREE: PEONY LOVE!!! FINALLYYYYY!!!! And if you were interested in the garden, read about it in my previous gardening posts here, here and here. (in order of new to old)

P.S. How was that for delivering a quick part 2, same day delivery! Lol! :)

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