Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rainy Saturday Baking

Day 1 of my fantastical mini-vacation. 
I cannot begin to explain how amazing it is to sleep 12 hours. We got up around 7 or 8 this morning and took the dogs for a short walk and then went back to bed for a few more blissful hours. I love to sleep!!!

It's been rainy. I have pessimistic tendencies and I can't help but think: go figure, now that I have time off, it's going to rain every day. However, the optimist in me can't help but think: wooohooo time off!
We made cocoa coffee this morning. Perfect for all chocolate addicts. Really gets the morning off to a good start. :)
To make it mix about 1 spoonful of unsweetened cocoa with 2 equal sized spoonfuls of sugar. If you have vanilla coffee creamer, add a spoonful of that... And then pour your coffee on top and stir. Then add milk.. And if you are as much of a hedonist as I am, add some whipped cream. Yum. 

We cleaned the house somewhat. It was looking really bad. Like REALLY bad. Now it's tolerable. Lol! The cat had fun jumping in empty bags and tormenting the dog.

We decided on a rainy day like today, baking would be nice... So I taught the hubby how to make bread. Well, we made rolls. Whole grain carrot buns. (This is kind of like muffins and cupcakes, what is the friggin difference between buns and rolls?!).  Smothered in butter and straight out of the oven ---> heaven. 

I whipped out some lemon-raspberry cake. Well, the lemon cake is actually a recipe for lemon bread that has been handed down by my godmother who passed away a few years ago. I love making it, because it brings back memories of my childhood (it was one of her signature baked goods) and I love that she loved it. It's a real comfort food. And as an added bonus, everyone else loves it too. :) I myself am not crazy about it, lemony cakes are just not my bag baby. But with raspberries...well maybe they could be. 

When I get my bread tin back from the folk's, maybe I'll make it again and post the recipe. Who knows?! 

And finally, I have fallen back in love with the crocheted blanket. I seriously had a hard time getting myself back to working on it, but now I can't remember what was so hard about getting started again!

There really is nothing better than crocheted warmth on rainy days. 

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