Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank you and goodbye 2011!

I had a great year. It fizzled towards the end (my mom's illness, school stress etc), but man oh man, it was mostly good. This was also the first full year of this blog! I love that I have kept up with it, it brings me pleasure to go back sometimes and visit posts (esp the summer month pictures). :)

My highlights of 2011 were:
1) getting married 
2) going to Japan for our honeymoon (check out that blog HERE)
3) going to Florida and seeing my family and sister-in-law get married
4) the beautiful summer we spent gardening -- and the photography!

Yes, I think I've enjoyed the photography bit more than the baking or crocheting. (?!?!) My new year's resolutions actually are to:

1) learn to use my trusty friend Rebel t2i better...and Adobe Lightroom
2) apply for vet school as well as art school (gee, split personality gemini much?!) Lol!
3) finish more WIPs (ahem, that granny stripe blanket...) and start more! Hahahahha!
and 4) keep blogging! :)

I already posted my 2011 crochet goodness, but since photography has almost stolen the spotlight, here are my favorite pictures this year. Ahem, this is a long post. Ye has been warned!
If you don't like flowers, click away now!
(or don't) :)

 Ahahahha, this isn't even close to all of them!
I cut down on a lot of pictures, all though you might find that hard to believe! You see, this doesn't even include ALL of my favorite Japan honeymoon pictures! For that, you'll have to check out the link above. :)

Thanks for reading, whether it's your first time or if you've been following all year!
Wishing you an awesome and fantabulous 2012!