On to it shall we?
I have had the BEST two laaaazy days off. Really lazy. Haven't really left the house lazy. And I have l-o-v-e-d it!
I sat on the couch and crocheted on the first day off...and then had pizza for dinner!!
(note: it's perfectly acceptable to eat out of the box when you don't have a dishwasher and you are in your 20s...)
I had some time to myself so I finally watched Becoming Jane and cried my eyes out. I didn't think it'd have such a sad ending - sorry for the spoiler! But man, James McAvoy gets me...he's not hunky but there's something adorable there, I think it's his eyes, or the characters he plays...have you seen Penelope? Great movie!
Anyway, had a really nice (first) day off.
Today was even more lazy, I didn't even crochet! I slept in late and then took a nap...what luxury. I know I have to savor these moments because one day when there are juniors running around, it won't be possible. Ah yes, late mornings and afternoon naps. The bestest.
To counteract the pizza last night, we had salad tonight. Mmm, salad in the summertime.
(yes, I know iceberg lettuce has little to no nutritional value... at least it's not chocolate!)
And you know you've been crocheting too much when you wonder if the men working on your patio are excited about doing "the edge" around the concrete tiles...!
See, the edge!! :) Tee-hee-heeee!
So what have I been crocheting, you ask? Well, using my handy-dandy WIP list, I decided to continue with the pillow theme and I FINISHED the blue circle in a square pillow cover!! Well, finished the crochet part of it anyway!
Now I just need to get to those flea markets and find sweaters to use for the backs, so I can finish this pillow and the granny square one too!
It's very much on the agenda for my vacation next week; flea markets, sewing, crocheting, crafting...yes yes yes, how I cannot wait!
But I'm totally throwing some naps in there! ;)
Thanks for reading!