Saturday, March 3, 2012

Overwhelmingly inspired

I am feeling a wee bit overwhelmed. Everywhere I look, there is a project I'd love to tackle. Every other thought in my head is a new amazing idea for a painting, crochet project, baking or cooking idea. And oh my, the photo opportunities and ideas swirling around! Ooooh, and this sun energizing me...This is baaaaad!

I get like this and I want to quit a regular life for the sole purpose of indulging myself. I know why I am suddenly overwhelmed with everything vacation ends tomorrow. :( 

If only. If only...

I have been really productive creatively this week though... and it's all just fuel to the flames. Guess how interested I will be next week in surgical patients and my bachelor's thesis. Uh oh, what a pickle!

I suppose I can take comfort in the fact that I have had a lovely vacation!!

Hubby made pancakes for breakfast yesterday. We devoured them covered in Pure Maine Maple Syrup courtesy of my mom-in-law! Deeelish!

 (totally going to save that bottle, how cute!)

I got to hit up a thrift store with my mom... The first time since her surgery. Life going back to normal? I like it! We also stopped by another store and bought a bunch of seeds for the garden this summer! :) Yaaaaaay!

I found two of these gorgeous Finnish Arabia vintage bowls. I looooove them! It's a part of my new year's resolution (wow, am I really sticking to them?!) because to take better photos, I need more props! ;) Muahahahah, let the collecting begin!

I also found this cute little green cherry blossom tin. It goes so well with our Japan themed living room! 

(Lol! pardon the dust!)

I ♥ thrifting!

This week also saw me getting back into the groove with my granny blanket. I'm up to 48 squares! Only 52 more to go till 100! I think I am actually going to make more than 100 squares, but it's nice to  have something to count down to for now. :)

It's really kind of sad how little justice these pictures do the colors! They are so BRIGHT in real life! You're just going to have to take my word for it though!
I have had the strategy of using one of the 50g skeins up at a time by using it in every square and just switching out the two other colors. I like being systematic. I think it's a gemini thing, lol!

So far I have almost totally used up the dark pink and dark purple skeins. The next color that I have started a few squares with, is the beige-y color. Something lighter for a change. 
Before I make anymore squares though, I should probably sew in the ends to the 11 latest squares! So I don't get behind! :)

Another thing I have thoroughly enjoyed this vacation are these amazing coconut cookies. We had to make them twice in the past week because they are that good! Here is a link to the recipe
Try them dipped in your morning coffee. Oh-em-gee! And it doesn't hurt if you decide to change it up and drink out of fancy cups. :) You should have seen the look on hubby's face when I broke out these cups, hahah!

I best start getting ready to go on a sunny walk with a good friend... It's a seriously gorgeous day!!! :)

Thanks for reading, hope you have a nice weekend!


  1. Yummy looking pancakes!

    I wanna quit my school life so I could just do stuff like ..umm...dream on pinterest or something. Gotta hate it when school interferes with my real life :D

    On saturday i was thinking you're probably out and about just taking pictures outside cuz it was just so nice out! :D

    1. I was too lazy to take the camera out on our walk but I was taking mental notes of pretty places for pictures... ;) Yup, stupid school always interfering with real life. :P BTW, we need to get together sometime even just the two of us bc I have some reaaaaal tough questions and I know you can answer them better than most! ;)


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