Oh me oh my! This sunshine! It's so ENERGIZING!
I have had another productive day, I couldn't help myself! I woke up with no alarms, just by the magnificent sun shining in disregarding our curtains... Sometimes you just know it's going to be a good day!
I really really love this time of the year. Honestly, it's not surprising I got married in March! The sunshine is warm and the temperatures are mild, it's clear and white and crisp, and the anticipation of spring is like a drug. It won't be too long before the snow melts away and the trees bud and flowers come back!
Ah spring ♥
Feeling like this, I did my part cleaning this morning (vacuuming) and quickly finished the little baby hat I started last night. My husband's friend just became a dad to a sweet little thing named Sofia, so I made her a little hat perfect for spring. I have no idea whatsoever if it will fit, I have no real experience of baby heads, but it was cute if nothing else!

And let me tell you, never look up baby and crochet together. If there is anything to ignite a baby fever, it's all the cute stuff you can make for them!
I also started a new little project for the fourth nephew last night. He's the little guy I crocheted a turtle outfit for. :) I won't reveal what it is because I don't want to ruin the surprise for his parents, but I think the whole family is going to like it! It was tough coming up with something for him that reflected both his parents and his aunt and uncle here in Finland. Also, a baby living in sunny Florida born in the warm spring doesn't really need many blankets, hats or other wooly things. I had to think outside the box! Can't wait to see the finished product! :)

Sneak peek!
I just had to get some painting in today as well... I couldn't bear to let the amazing light flowing through the windows go to waste. So I set up my little atelier again and enjoyed painting summer. Summer is the equivalent to strawberries and yellow sunshine. The strawberries won out over a picture I took last summer of the lake. I want to start landscapes soon, but today I just wanted some instant gratification and to indulge in summer thoughts!

I will be spending tomorrow with my mama, which means I just might spend some time with granny squares. I like letting her pick out the color combos. It makes it more fun! I think she likes it, too. :)
Thanks for reading! Hope you can enjoy this spring sunshine, too!

Had to share their good buddy moment they had while I was painting :) ♥
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