Monday report:
I had a WONDERFUL weekend!
I made time to work on my bachelor's thesis (stress levels came down about it temporarily), which left me plenty of time for my favorite things.
Eating. A lot.
OK, so it's a bit indulgent, but I had been working really hard on that thesis and thought I deserved something GOOD! We were trying to make homemade big macs (
recipe here) and ran into some trouble. Like the ingredients being different here. Like the buns being too round to stack (mine toppled rather quickly...). Like the beef patties being too meaty and round (adding to the toppling effect).
But boy, they were MM-MM delicious!
Do you like the bottle in the background? It's one of hubby's homemade dark ales! They are strong (like holy cow strong!) and pretty ok for a dark beer. Unfortunately, this so happened to be a bottle that slightly leaked thanks to Ikea's superb quality (wink wink), so it wasn't as carbonated as some of the others. Fortunately, hubby is smart and he's been bending the "bales" (I think that's what they're called, the metal bits...) and making the seal tighter for the next batch. (Light ale, ready in about 2-3 weeks!)
I crocheted more squares, up to 23 I think now and all the ends are sewn in!
This is what happened when I tried to take a picture of my beautiful yarn:
"I wanna be in the picture!! Let me talk to you!! Awoowowwowo ahhhh WOOF!!!" :)
(I swear that's what he sounds like!)
When he went away, I finally got it!
I was crocheting (in my pajamas) with the falling snow outside my window... I really have enjoyed this winter!
I even broke out the tripod! (Yay for not being lazy!)
(Pardon the dying plant the cat has eaten...And why does everything look so much better in black and white?!)
Inspiration strikes when I'm home alone, so no one else to practice on but myself. It's hard to get yourself in the frame without being able to see! And then not make a totally stupid face either! There were a loooot of out-takes. Lol!
One reason I've been diehard practicing, is that I read somewhere (probably through a pin on
pinterest...) that if you are shooting in manual but just going by metering, you are still not really shooting in manual. I was so guilty.
So now I am trying to break free from the metering and I'm trying to use it more as a guide and analyze more what to adjust: iso, f-stop, shutter speed and use the tripod if I'm getting blurry pictures!!
These peppers deserved a picture and although I was too late for proper natural lighting, I still think these pictures turned out rather alright. I tried something new and hung a dish towel behind them for a more interesting background.
However, I could have used the tripod...and a speedlite. And a macro lens. Or just a lens with more range. Proper daylight would have been pretty sweet, too.
But all things considered, I'm still pleased as punch! :)
I had to give these granny smith apples a go as well! They were on sale at the store so I bought a bunch for apple desserts (probably a nice pie) and for this reason, too. I love still life photos!
I suppose I should end it here.
I have some more pictures, but I'm saving them for another post. They are of the doggy kind. :)
Thanks for reading!