Monday, November 7, 2011

Crochet Christmas Wreath

Here it is, the crochet Christmas wreath!!!
Fortunately, the wreath base was much smaller than I remembered, so I only had to make one more holly leaf that I was griping about in my last post! Yay! Laziness prevails! :)

I am quite happy with it, I'm even prematurely ta-dah-ing it! It still needs a large green/gold/red Christmas ribbon tied to the top so I can hang it and complete the festive look I had in my head. 
OOOh, I love completing stuff, even if it is small!

I have also found that I am in an incredible mood to paint today, which brings me to the dilemma of: school vs no school.
I am leaning towards no school, because we only have it for 2 hours this afternoon and I could much more efficiently use my day to paint the several flowers I can see in my mind. And ya know, this mood to break out the oil paints doesn't knock every day, I should take advantage of it while I can! :)

As for food, you know I cannot help but share... This is what we ate on Sunday - Chinese! I love when we get it, because we usually get it with my parents so we get 4 entrees and then we can share all of them, so you're plate ends up looking like a sample platter. :)

(it looked way more appetizing in real life...)

Oh, and I am seeing some chocolate chip cookie pie in my future tonight, especially if I have time to stay home and make it. ;)

Thanks for reading!

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