We finally moved on Thursday and it was a bittersweet affair, as I imagine it is for most sentimental folks. Although the old apartment had some definite cons (location in the building, size, rent) it had some great pros (built in 2002, clean and white and close to downtown). Our new apartment has great views, is almost twice the size of the last (for almost the same price!?) and amazing potential...it's just old (70s everything!) and the previous tenants didn't clean...making the whole moving experience terrible. Not much is worse than leaving a happy and immaculately cleaned home to having to stay in a place where you are scared of the toilet and have to tippy-toe because the grime is just EVERYWHERE! I had some major temper tantrums and melt downs but I plan on complaining someone's ear off to be compensated for the work we had to put into cleaning this place. Not that we wouldn't have cleaned before unpacking our stuff, but we shouldn't have had to clean feeling disgusted that we have to put our things in the closets etc. Argh, enough of my whining. It doesn't change anything anyway! I try to just look out the window when I get really frustrated and remember, this is going to be a beautiful and happy home. How could it not be with this view! :)
(bedroom window)
(kitchen window)
(living room window)
We do really love the area, the lake and forest are literally 5 minutes or less away and it's been great to walk the dogs out there... They love it too! It beats our old boring little park loop. There is so much more to look at now especially with the changing seasons! Fall is well on it's way, the amount of mushrooms is mind-boggling!
We've been so inspired by the red mushrooms, the hubby is inspired to make a mushroom coffee table with the guidance of my dad! Let's hope it happens, I think it would be highly unusual and right up my silly ally. Lol!
I'll leave you with the angel from a mobile I found in a box, no idea how it got there, haven't seen it in years. In fact, I think it was my sister's at some point in time. Thanks E!! I love how the angel on the cloud is lit when there is blue sky behind it. It made me smile the first time I noticed it. I wonder if this is what the designer intended.
I am so grateful my life is heading back to normalcy after this tumultuous move. Happy I can blog again -- and check out what I've missed out on pinterest! Hahaha!
Computer geek.
Thanks for reading!! :)
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