Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oh so very...Pinteresting...

It's 11 p.m. I'm finally home, in my PJs and sipping tea. Yes, oh yes, I am going to sleep well tonight. It's been a long 6 day work week at clinical training. (Only 4 more work days! Yay!)

After running into some old high school friends this week, I was inspired to finally go through with my plan of arranging a little Christmas party-reunion type deal. 
I do love a good party! 

So I locked down a date that suited me best (Nov 26th) and set up an event on facebook, clicked a bunch of faces that I associate with being in high school and voila, just over 50 people were invited! 

What's that? Over 50 people? Whaaaat? 

Hahah, we live in 65m2 (google tells me this is 699.654177 sq feet) -- HOW are we going to fit?! 
Good thing the usual rule of thumb is only half of the people invited come, which is ok and definitely a good thing although it would be so very nice to see everyone! 

Now for the exciting part though! Finally getting to use and add more to my pinterest board created long ago with this particular event in mind: Christmas party ideas


I am far to lazy to link any pictures to this post, also because I don't want to upset anyone by using their pictures, but do check out the board if the link works! 

I am so excited to decorate for Christmas and CLEAN (weird, I know) and make this place sooooo pretty and cozy! :)
And the thought of preparing food and baking... <3
Like I said, I love me a good party! 

I feel bad making this a text only post, so here is a picture from last Christmas, or well the beginning of December!

Can you believe he is already over a year old now? And he weighs more than 40kg (~80lbs)!? He's over 70cm (2.3ft!) tall at the shoulder?!
Since I got to looking at these old pictures, I'll share one more of my favorites! 

He's up around my hips these days, certainly no tripping on him now! Lol!

Thanks for reading, I promise to share some newer pictures next time! ;)

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