Wowweeeeee INDEED! I sure did, I completed the sock knitter's acorn! Wooohoooo! It's like having a monkey off my back. Believe it or not, I really really dislike having more than one work in progress. Shocking I know, since I never seem to finish anything, lol. But really, it's like a weight off my back finishing the acorn. So without further ah-doo (adieu, a due, help?) here it is!
For the pattern click here - little acorn for sock knitters |
(filled with my hat and mittens for full effect, and yes, it was that big!) |
What else have I been up to since last time? Well... some of this:
Breakfasting with fresh bread a la butter and cheese with pickles, butter with Bonne Maman jams! Mmmm, love them being on sale right now, I bought 4 fruits and peach! Super yum with tea! |
Also had some fun walking on a sunny and SPRING (it just makes my heart leap every time I say/type/think of it! Was in a bit of a rush so I didn't make it a real photo excursion...
Can you see the little birds, they were chirp-chirp-chirping to their heart's content in this rose bush :) |
And I've been enjoying the little fun surprises of life, if you are looking through your rose colored glasses that day and closely enough to see them...
Like the pepper being a heart
In the oven, my spaghetti casserole is baking away, crisping the cheese on the top.
How do you make that you ask? Well it's super easy! Cook spaghetti or any pasta, fry some ground beef with onion and spices like pepper, oregano, rosemary etc, add a vegetable or two(we used mushrooms, you could use anything your heart desires). Then in a buttered oven dish you like, place the pasta with a layer of tomato sauce, then the beef, then the rest of your jar of pasta sauce. Slice a tomato and add it to the top followed by some cheese. I'd recommend grating it, but we're lazy so we just tore up some sliced cheese. Hahaha, it's all about convenience and speed. Bake at the whereabouts of 200C or 375F until the cheese is golden and melty and scrumptious. Something like this:
Ok so I cheated like they do on cooking shows and "some" time elapsed in the writing of this post :D
It was worth making and a nice change to the usual pasta and ground beef tomato sauce. It was a great Sunday dinner for two (and Monday with our leftovers!) By the way, why does everything baked in the oven taste so much better?
So no, I haven't crocheted from the book of dreams (see my last post) and no I haven't worked on the wraplet. But I've been busy catching up with friends, eating good food, doing a bit of spring cleaning, splashing in puddles, soaking up the sunshine and looooving SPRING *skippity hop!*
Thanks for reading, hope you have a nice SPRING-y week!
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