Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas or Hyvää Joulua as we say here in Finland. It's been a frrrrreeezing -28 C (or -18 F). RIDICULOUSLY COLD! Today warmed up a bit and it's sick when you go outside with the dogs in a rush in the morning and think, "Man, I'm wearing half the clothing I wore yesterday, I bet it's pretty warm out" ...only to go back in, check out the temperature and see it's STILL a cold -12 C (10 F). That's what happens I guess when you live close to the North Pole. Lol!

Christmas has been quiet this year, it's just the three of us: my dad, my fiance and myself. Oh yes, and FOUR dogs! =D I decided not to stress out about anything being perfect, because I didn't want to be responsible for Christmas prep on my own. I also figured they wouldn't notice if Christmas was a little less Christmas-y (and I was quite right). Therefore, I skipped all baking. All decorating. We had half the choices of food and have still managed to feel bursting at the seams with delicious ham, traditional casseroles etc. So it all worked out.

I am not in love with how the tree looks, but it's festive and it really does make Christmas Christmas. We weren't going to put it up, but at the last minute (Tuesday) my fiance decided he couldn't do Christmas without a up to the attic he went and got ALL the boxes and my mom's white tree down. And then he put it up with a little help from me. Thank goodness he did! =)

We have been busy all week in general here at my folk's place because we managed to talk my dad into rearranging! Seems like all the hints we've been dropping about how we are going to transform the place when he leaves have sunk in so he finally gave in and saw the point we were making all along...the space has so much potential, take advantage of it! Hallelujah, it's a Christmas miracle, LOL! So yes, the transformation has begun. I'm THRILLED! We also managed to sand and stain as well as upholster the chairs my mom has been going on about for almost 20 years! =) =) =)



Finito (minus the layers of shellac we have to add)

Oh, and I made out like a bandit this Christmas as well... Sweaters, tank tops, socks, thermals, beanie, Iittala glass and YARN!!! Tons of it, each skein is HUGE and every color seems to be represented...All thanks to the mom-in-law! She knows her stuff that lady. =) She also sent me a couple of crochet books. I'm stoked and so excited to try it all out.

Hope everyone out there in blogland had a lovely Christmas or whatever you celebrate this time of the year and I wish each and all a very happy new year filled with tons of inspiration and happy moments crafting and creating!!! 

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